Monday, September 8, 2008

Spinal Stenosis Introduction

Earlier this year I was among other things diagnosed with 2 degenerated discs and spinal stenosis.

On this blog you will find Xrays, MRI and CT scans and images showing spinal stenosis of the lower back and degenerated discs with herniation. You can also read about living with spinal stenosis and degenerated discs.

Upon MRI examination of my spine the doctors here in Bangkok noticed a 'mass' on my right kidney. This concerned me more than the discovery of the degenerated discs and spinal stenosis. From the beginning I knew that the problem with my right leg and the paralyzing was not due to the herniated discs or the spinal stenosis. The way it happened was not in any way symptomatic with a herniation of the discs. More on that later.

To start with lets take a look at a MRI scan that shows the degenerated discs.

(1) + (2)This MRI scan shows desiccated discs at L4/5 and L5/S1. Note that the discs appear much darker than the upper two discs. This is due to the herniation of the spinal discs.

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